iRefresh Team

2 min


Updated: Jul 23, 2020

Psalm 4:3

You can be sure of this: The Lord set apart the godly for himself.

The Lord will answer when I call to him. NLT

But know that the Lord has set apart for Himself [and given distinction to] him who is godly

[the man of loving-kindness]. The Lord listens and heeds when I call to Him. AMP


We can know and be sure the Scripture says that as believers in Christ, we have been set apart for God himself. He has chosen us, picked us out, set us apart, and we are His very own! He wants good things for my life; to prosper me, to bless me. Oh, that we could get a revelation of this in our lives. I am set apart for God Almighty, Jehovah God chose me, the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the all-knowing, all powerful God of the Universe has set me apart for Himself!

The Lord gives distinction to me. I have His Spirit in me so I am to show who He is in my life. His ‘distinction’ is the thing that causes people around me to see Him and be drawn to His presence in my life so they too can be changed by God’s goodness and forgiveness.

God listens and answers when I call to Him. He is concerned with my needs, and concerned with the things in my life. God cares for everything about me. I am His child, He hears me, He is attentive to my cries. He chose me before I was formed in my mother’s womb. I am precious to Him. What wonderful things for us to think on!


Father, you have called me your own, set me apart because you love me. Help me to see who you see when you look at me. Let that thought guide me today in everything that I do: I am yours, chosen by you. You have plans for my life. You are God, yet you hear when I call You. You are concerned with what concerns me, you are moved with compassion towards me. I want to know You Father, to hear Your voice more clearly today. Let everything that I say and do reflect that I am Yours, that You have marked me with distinction. I pray that You are so evident in my life that Your presence is visible to the people that I encounter. Thank you, Father, for setting me apart, and for giving Your own son so that I can have a relationship with You! Let me never take the reality of Your sacrifice for me for granted. I praise You today for Your goodness, mercy and faithfulness in my life. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Bringing the Word to Life

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