iRefresh Team

2 min

What to Do When Hope is Deferred

When you walk through difficult times... what do you do? When your hope is deferred, how do you keep believing in what God says? Carrie Kittinger delivers an encouraging message of hope from God's Word.

Show Notes

Song of Solomon 2:10-13

We all go through seasons of life. But God puts streams of water, life through us to bloom and enjoy life.

Isaiah 43:18-19

Don't let the enemy remind you of something better in your past while in a difficult season. Forget the former things.

God says He is doing a new thing; now it springs forth.

The rain of the Holy Spirit brings beauty and fruitfulness to even those dark and hidden places where sometimes we think you can never be free from that area again.

The Lord is always working with in you. He's working beauty, peace, and joy.

Romans 8:24-25


There is a waiting upon the Lord. We are looking, we are hoping, we are waiting excitingly to see what God is going to do.

There is always something to be thankful for.

It's ok to cry out to the Lord. But you need to keep your eyes on the Lord, keep praying, keep serving.

Hebrews 10:35-39

Keep moving forward. Don't get stuck or turn around, keep going!

Psalms 13

It's easy to feel forgotten but God hasn't forgotten you! You are engraved into the palm of Jesus' hands.

But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the Lord's praise, for he has been good to me.

Psalms 13:5-6

In hope we can take the faith into the Lord.

Grow your faith in prayer and God's word.

Hope arise!

The Lord hears and sees and his loving eye is on us.

He has overcome the world. We are overcomers.

The Lord is all around us. Ask God for eyes of hope.

Romans 14:15


Gratitude fuels our hope.

Measuring God rather then our giant fuels our hope.

Remaining confident of the goodness of the Lord fuels our hope.

Wait for the Lord. Be strong and cheer up when waiting for the Lord. He's all around you. Just look up.