What do you desire from God? What has He promised you? Remember when? Recall what He's already done and believe for what is yet to come.
Show Notes:
When recalling fond memories, it can include flashback of images, sounds, smells, conversations, and things you did with others. A smell can trigger a memory? We associate objects to times, events and people of a time period. We attach emotions to those memories... good or bad. We recall good times or they trigger trauma.
God wants us to remember Him, to trust Him in our present and have faith for our future.
Stones of Remembrance
Joshua 3:5, 10, and 4
• Transition from Moses to Joshua leading God’s people. They were coming out of the desert and into the Promised Land. But there was preparation. We have to prepare our hearts by repenting in order to see the wonders of God.
• A man from each 12 tribes placed a large stone as a monument of God's miracle on their behalf in crossing the Jordan on dry ground. It was to remember what God had done (Deliverance).
Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
• Stones came from the middle of the water, where the priest held the ark of the covenant [represents God’s presence] along with the stones of the 10 commandments.
• The stones were to fix the memories of Israelites Joshua 4:7 cause when they forgot, idolatry and sin entered - disaster.
• Similarly, Jesus was in the middle of the water, God’s presence, with his disciples during the storm. God is always present.
Elijah and Elisha - Transition of the Gifts
• Elijah is preparing to leave earth. God calls him to replace himself as the prophet with Elisha 1 Kings 19:15-21
• Elisha becomes Elijah’s assistant like Joshua was to Moses
• When Elijah threw his cloak over Elisha, it was a signal that the mantle was being passed over to him.
• Elisha wanted to say goodbye to his parents yet challenged by Elijah.
• Elisha had to make a clean break with no option of returning when he killed the teams of oxen, used the wood of the plows to cook the meat and share it with all those around before departing. He released his past. 2 Kings 2:1-2
• The power of God was where Elijah was. Elisha was hungry for all he saw in his mentor.
• School of prophets knew and observed from a distance. 2 Kings 2: 3, 5, 7 This is the mentality of many today. Who is hungry to do whatever it takes to see God's power move again?
• Elijah challenged Elisha 3 times in 3 places. Each city was a lesson to prepare Elisha for the passing over God's mantle of authority on to him.
“I want a double portion anointing” 2 Kings 2:9
• "Double portion"applies to the first born obtaining twice as much as siblings. Elisha wanted to inherit his mentor's prophetic office and gifts.
• The ‘cloak’ or ‘mantle’ was the transference of the prophetic, the successor. It was an outward token that he received it.
• If Elisha SAW God take Elijah, he'd get it. After Elisha’s ascension, Elisha was returning to Jericho, he took the mantle and struck the water at the Jordan with it.
• to know if he'd receive the anointing, the double portion, the inheritance twice as much as others like the 50 prophets standing at a distance.
1. Gilgal
Name Definition: name means ‘circle’ (of stones) or ‘rolling from’; Hebrew galal, ‘to roll’; it refers to rolling heavy objects like stones. Joshua 5:9
Significance of Place:
• The first camp Israelites had after crossing the Jordan River to enter the Promised Land.
• First Passover celebrated in Promised Land here Josh 5,9,10 and manna stopped.
• Saul was confirmed and declared the anointed king and people worshiped God as a result 1 Samuel 10, 11:15
• It was a place of remembrance of God delivering Israel from Egypt when they were circumcised there. Joshua 4:1-9
· it was a place of worship where Saul didn't wait for Samuel to do the sacrifice 1 Samuel 1: 8-14 As a result, the 2 departed ways due to Saul’s disobedience.
Lessons from the cities:
1. Place of new beginnings
2. Base camp for battles to claim territories God was giving them.
3. Sacred site eventually corrupted and faded away where no mention of it in the New Testament. Prophets Amos and Hosea condemned their idolatry Amos 4:4,5 and Hosea 4:15 We can’t put our hope in a place, a person, a job, etc. it has to be on God!
4. Places where something good had happened to Israel in the past, but God wants us to look to Him over our past victories. Seek Him for the present.
2. Bethel
• Originally called"Luz" Genesis 28:19
• Abram goes to Egypt, leaving Canaan due to a famine. He returns after the famine is over Genesis 13:3,4
• Strife between Lot's herdsmen forced Abram to leave again. Genesis 13:1-12
• Jacob flees here after deceives his brother, Esau. He then sees a vision of a ladder to heaven with angels Genesis 28:11-22 He calls it: "house of GOD". This becomes the starting-point of who God is. He set up a pillar to remember. Genesis 31:13,35:7
• After Israel captures this city, it becomes a major religious center in Israel's life. Joshua 12:16; Judges 1:22-26
• Early on the city prospered until King Jeroboam would ruin it with idols. During the time when the 10 Northern tribes secede from Judah, King Jeroboam places a golden calf here and in Dan to keep them from traveling to Jerusalem to worship God - his fear of losing control brings warnings from God. 1 Kings12:29, 2 Kings10:29
3. Jericho "city of palm trees"
• Thought to be the oldest, continuously inhabited city in the world
• Place Joshua and Israelites fought in the famous battle.
• In the New Testament, Zacchaeus in sycamore tree Luke 19:1-10
• The place where John the Baptist baptized Jesus Mark 1: 1-12
Deuteronomy 34:3
Jordan River
• This is the land Lot took. Genesis13
• In the time of the judges, battles fought showed that the Jordan was a line of defense. Judges 3:28; 7:24,25; 12:5,6; 2 Samuel 2:29
• This is where Joshua led Israelites into Canaan Joshua 3:9-17
• Naaman, the leper commanding the Syrian army had to be washed in the muddy river for his healing. 2 Kings 5: 1-14
• John baptized Jesus in its waters and saw the Spirit descend on him, launching Christ into ministry Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3, John 1:29-34
3 Times the Jordan waters were miraculously split by God
1. Israelites entered the Promised Land while in flood stage Joshua 3:13-17; 4:18
2. Elijah struck water to crossover with Elisha 2 Kings 2:6-8
3. Elisha returned to Canaan after Elijah translated 2 Kings 2:15
Significance of this location
• Elijah took cloak and struck water and the water divided where they both walked across it. 2 Kings 2:7-9 The cloak represented his power and personality.
• 50 prophets’ disciples “stood at a distance"
• Elijah is like Moses, parting the waters v. 8 to begin a new chapter for Israel.
• Elisha returns to the water with Elijah’s cloak, the mantle.
• “I want a double portion anointing” 2 Kings 2:9 "Double portion"applies to the first born. Elisha wanted to inherit his mentor's prophetic office and gifts.
What are you ready to do?
It takes sacrifice, going through battles, endurance, trust in God, being in His presence. His has promises for you. Hold on to them. Like your stones of remembrance, stir up the memories of what God has done. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. You can trust Him.