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You Were Made to Flourish

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Are you in a time where you feel like you are in survival mode? Are you living to 'just get by' or looking to change to regain peace and rest in the midst of the storms of life? Sarah Wehrli released a book filled with hope in "You Were Made to Flourish". Sarah highlights keys to move into a surviving way of life to a thriving method with Biblical truths.


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What made Sarah write the book?

Going through a hurricane while living in Orlando, Sarah saw how the palm tree was bent over severely and yet afterwards, it popped upright unlike some trees that were uprooted or broken. She discovered in researching palm trees the following:

  • They are resilient.

  • The more they are pressed down, the root system goes deeper and stronger.

  • They're fruitful and fragrant.

  • In the Bible, the palm tree means victory, praise and overcoming.

  • Psalm 92:12 " The righteous will flourish like a palm tree"

  • We can overcome the storms of life like the palm trees and thrive!

God's given us the power to overcome because the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in us. Jesus said although you face storms trials (John 6:23), you can overcome because I am with you.

To Purchase the book: http:\\

Keys to Flourishing:

Getting God's vision for your life.

Story of working with a farmer in the process of clearing the ground as he prepares to plant the seed. It goes through an ugly stage, yet as it begins to grow and flourish, there's fruit and veggies that are produced.

We need to gain a vision where we clear the clutter and make space for what God wants to do in us.

planting the seed which is reading God's Word.

Tending the soil of our heart. Getting rid of anything that could choke the Word of God in our life.

"This is what the LORD says to the people of Judah and Jerusalem: “Plow up the hard ground of your hearts! Do not waste your good seed among thorns." Jeremiah 4:3 NLT

How do you get a vision?

1.Seek the Lord (If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5 NIV)

2. What are you calling me to do Lord?

Write down this vision.

Write it clearly on tablets, so that anyone who reads it may run.

3 For the vision points ahead to a time I have appointed;

it testifies regarding the end, and it will not lie.

Even if there is a delay, wait for it.

It is coming and will come without delay.

Habakkuk 2:2-3 VOICE

3. Plant seeds into others by giving time, prayers, talents, treasure while waiting for God to reveal His plan for your life.

Where do you start in the Word of God to get in to a habit of reading it more?

  • Start with a Bible study like this book.

  • Use to daily process with a devotional that has Scriptures to consider to think over.

  • Commit a time same part of the day.

  • There's power in the Word of God when we speak it over our lives.

  • Take our thoughts captive when don't align with God's Word

  • Renew our mind with what He says.

Praise is powerful. It's a weapon against the enemy.

Story of Sarah's son going through adversity, God showed her to praise Him. In her darkest hour, faith arose out of her worship to God. She then spoke the Word of God with great power over Isaac. God gave her peace in the midst. That week, everything changed where her son never had another seizure.

  • Declare His goodness and then His strength comes. Nothing is impossible with God!

  • Have to prepare for the battle ahead of time by being in the Word, knowing the Word and using it as our sword (Ephesians 6 armor of God) when the battle begins. We declare God's Word in the attacks that come.

  • Flourish means we overcome challenges.

What's pruning in your life?

  • Convict us of sin

  • God says we're done for an assignment and ready for something new.

  • He wants to prune us in good things for something better.

  • Something in one season that's good may not be helpful in another season. We have to listen to what wants.

  • Purpose stays the same but our assignment changes.

  • Eliminate the distractions for the new season and assignment. Make space for it.

  • Encourage each other. We need every gift in the body of Christ. Be strengthened and win the lost. Make space for people.


If waiting on a harvest, don't get weary in the wait. If sowing seed, trust God's timing for the harvest.

"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." Gal 6:9 ESV

Bamboo tree story - first 5 years, nothing happens, but at 5 years, it can grow 90' in 6 weeks. It took time for roots to go deep and be watered. Life is like that with no apparent results at times, but be faithful. It's a progressive growth God does.

Sarah's websites:

"You Were Made to Flouish" book: http:\\

Inspire International:

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